So I got a DSLR for Christmas! I was planning to get it myself after I saved enough money but... that didn't seem like it would happen soon. Thanks Mom and Dad! I got a bunch of other stuff but I'm writing this two months later and I forgot what I wanted to write.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Universal Studios
Today was my first time going to Universal Studios and it was great. At first I was hesitant because only about four of us "younger" people were going and I thought it was more of a get together thing with the cousins. But it was great. Grandma, uncle, and uncle-in-law came and we all enjoyed it together. I've been to Universal City Walk a few times but not the Universal Studios part. The first thing we went on was the tour. I loved it! I love movies and sets and we got to see the studios and everything. I love the effects and the "earthquake" in the subway. We went on the Simpsons ride and I was thinking "Oh no... it's a rollercoaster?" but it turns out it's just the screen. I liked that ride. My cousins brought us into that House of Horror thing. It's like a Haunted House. I was clinging onto my brother's hood the whole time because it was dark and I couldnt see anything. This brought back some memories--the time I volunteered at the "Haunted House" for YUCA. There's a few more I want to talk about but I'm going to stop here~
Posted by leelee at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
PMS?! I don't know.
I don't know why but today I have been in a bad mood. I found everything annoying more than I usually do. And no... it's not PMS! Maybe it's because of the stress or something. I have to read two whole book, two chaptesr for psychology and do study guides for both chapters, read two chapters for econ and do a study guide, do a movie project for psychology, a portfolio for English, and another project. All in three weeks (winter break). What a nice "gift." I miss those time in middle shcool and elementary where winter break meant sitting around and sleeping all that was on your mind was "When do we get to open the gifts?!" Sigh....
and I dont know why... but whenever I plan something, it never goes right. Yeah, yeah, some of you are going to say "you didnt organize it well." Well, some things I do organize it well--with time, date, location but EVERYONE decides to bail out last minute. But when someone else plans something, noooooo everyone goes. They cancel what they have and try to make it. Ugh, i might sound like a btch right now... but like I said, there's something wrong with me today. The only one person who could make me feel better isn't even on.
Posted by leelee at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
So I'm sitting in the computer lab at the moment... because one, the college center is closed and two, I don't want to go to the assembly. There's only three of us here in the computer lab and it's so quiet. Wow, first semester is almost over. I think I'm doing better than last year. Psychology, my grade is like a rollercoaster... not really. It's been an A, but the percentage of the A have been like a rollercoaster--it's scary. First I had a 95% then it dropped to a 92% then it went back up... then down.... For drawing, that class is pretty easy so it should be good if I keep up the grade. AP Lit... it's easy but difficult at the same time. I'm enjoying it. Stats... probably the worse class. Not grade wise but the class itself. Actually... the teacher, haha. Econ, I'm doing the worse in. I have a C (but that's because the teacher curved it that way the seniors don't get fails. Sixth is service, easy A. But I feel "unproductive" in that class. The teacher rarely asks me to do anything so I feel like I'm useless.
I'm broke this year so I dont have enough money to buy presents for people for Christmas. I only bought See's candies and a bear for the teachers and for some friends, I got dolls/bears that have been piling up in the closet/room and wrote a card. It's the thought that counts, right? Especially during this time--recession. I'm not even sure why I'm blogging... when I should be doing my stats project... or reading for my econ tests the next two days. Ciao~
Posted by leelee at 2:26 PM 0 comments