Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Need to lose weight

*cries* I got on the scale and it shot up. The scale was yelling at me to get off because I was too heavy. Instead of reading history book (20+ pages), I was on soompi looking up tips and stuff.

And I think I need a daily (or weekly) does of manga/drama to function. I haven't gone to the bookstore for a while or downaloded manga so I have nothing new to read. That's when I noticed I had no motivation to do any work and I just felt tired and lazy. But recently, I bought two mangas (since Borders had everyyhing 40% off; guess its closing) and after I finished reading them, I went straight to homework. And I haven't really felt as tired and lazy than did. That proves it, I need mangas. Hahaha.

So I just read that reusing/refilling waterbottle is not good. I didn't know that since I've been using the same one for weeks (or months?) and that's not good. So I guess over the weekend I'll go out and buy one of those bottles (the ones you use when you run and scientist reccomend).

:) well, yeah...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Quick blog.

Today was CSF and it was my first time playing tennis. I wasn't super horrible. I actually serve pretty well. Sorry Daniel for hitting the ball over to the other side of the street and you running over to get it (hey, you wouldn't let me go!). Watched people hit the pinata and I have to say it was hilarious. Chau walking super far off and Daniel grabbing the pinata and punching it. Thanks CSF for putting this event together. Without it... I wouldn't have been able to play tennis, hahaha jk.

It's 11:48 and I should be sleeping but what am I doing? Homework.

So much to say but I'll write it tomorrow.

:) tennis is fun. I think I'll make it my new favorite sport. First things first, though... I need a racket and tennis balls.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

You'll always be in my heart

So today woke up, heard some bad news, cried my eyes out until I reached SAT class and then went to the fieldtrip. It was pretty fun. First we had pizza and then headed to CalStateLA. Group one was me, phan, joey, ashley, jenn, jaimie, adam, (missing someone?) and the three teachers. We walked around singing "Happy Birthday Woojae" cuz it was his birthday today. XD Messed up thing was that after we said "aw, you should be out with your friends celebrating. Go clubbing." Joey said, "But he's 30, he can't go clubbing." Haha. Then we headed to USC walked around and went back to YN. Me and Jenn walked from there to Phoenix bakery and I got picked up.

Well, I don't feel like writing much or updating today so yeah.
Happy Birthday WooJae~

Rest in paradise<3
You will be in our hearts
always and forever

Friday, March 27, 2009

Second blog in a day

Two blogs in one day? :) nice. Eh, I didn't even update yet and I still need to finish my math packet for SAT class tomorrow. Speaking of which, we're going to fieldtrip (yay~) and the day after that, I'll be at the CSF event. So I got over the whole "zomgss501@HB" thing. It's fine, I have a chance of meeting them. Let's see...

*squeeee* Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior 2 (the sequel) is coming out in 2009! Totally can't wait for that. I freakin' loved it; I have the first one on DVD. Ever since I was little, I wanted to get into something "action-ish" you know... like Mulan and Wendy Wu. I still do. Sometimes I want to go to a gym and start hitting punching bags and stuff, haha. Funny thing is, in Wendy Wu, the instructors are tiger, crane, monkey, and snake and here is what one of the yotubers commented:

" If the faculty is the tiger, crane, monkey, and snake, I guess that makes Wendy Kung Fu Panda." HAHAHA XD Anyway, hope this week turns out well :\

Auto response from x vampire knight:
yesterday I walked into the door then walked into a wall. Just now I walked into the doorknob. What next?
xepisode: you'll walk into the guy that you've been waiting for :-)

SUM1N k1m: the van and suv is hers
SUM1N k1m: punch buggy is mines :-D
^ hahahaha the way he says it is cute, rofllll "punch buggy"

:D DBSK's song to be in Fast & Furious 4
"We should get a gang of dbsk fans. Whe nthe scene comes, we'll be like 'DBSK!' and everyone stares and be like wtf. Bring an ipod speaker and play the song, make it louder than the movie, XD"


So there was a rumor that went around saying there will be a food fight at school. Seriously, you kids are retarded! Do you know why instead of having a 45min. lunch like other schools we have 30? According to my teacher, it's because of you retarded "cholos" who cant sit still and have the need to get up and fk something up. Thanks a lot, idiots. I swear...

So I was walking up the stairs from the cafeteria when someone threw a carton of milk into the air and it landed right in front of me. Luckily no one was in front of me and luckily it didn't land on me. Sometimes I just want to walk up to one of them and freaking slap them in the face. Not
only them but those who need someone to knock some sense into them. Dont come to school if you're going to ruin shiz and get pregnant and do drug. Go to jail and do what you want there.

:( So SS501 is going to Hollywood Bowl. *bawls eyes out* WAHHHH~~~ I am a SS501 fanatic and I won't be able to attend the concert. My dad let me go but he had to come with me. I stupidly said "its okay" since a frien dcouldn't come along. SHiz man, I should've just brought him along and most likely get a seat next to a soompier or something. *tears*

And poor Sunye... with Wondergirl's popularity rising, she still decides to attend university (going to school alone without a bodyguard!) and these students wont leave her alone~

*some pics are a little too big so click to see whole pic*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

happy birthday jenny<3

Happy Birthday Jenny Voong! :)

Okay well, after fifth period I finally had motivation to do work. The thing is... I didn't have any work to do, haha. When I got home, I had a two hour nap, woke up, had dinner, and yeah. I'm going to start on the only homework I have today and start reading for history; got a long way to go. So yeah, random info, Miyavi is married to Melody. Who would've expected that?! And no one knew about their marriage (since last year).

So online friend Coco's birthday was yesterday and dude, its like she's living my life. Or at least, the life I want. Okay, maybe not WHOLE life but what I've seen from her pictures. She takes amazing ulzzangstyle pictures which I love (from Nikon camera) and she had her birthday party at the beach with her boyfriend with cute balloons. We should totally become best friend and go on a photospree. None of my friends can take amazing ulzzangstyle pictures; they dont even know the style -_-;

Okay, so Waverly, here's the list of people who MIGHT be going:

yes/maybe/needs ride (so far):

  • jenny,
  • dinh,
  • ashley,
  • vanessa ,
  • jiaying,
  • nisa,
  • alan,
  • jenn,
  • waverly,
  • vanny,
  • steven,
  • andy (sumin) oh,
  • andy ong,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Again, I should be doing homework. When I got home, I had lunch, I took an hour nap; woke up, had dinner; started on my homework around seven-ish and it's now nine and I haven't finished one. It took me a while to draw this graffiti thing for Hongbin on facebook and it wouldnt send/published so I just print screen the small version:

:D so yeah, that's us (going to run) at the beach running/walking/biking. I should've tied his arm with that guy on the bike dragging him since he didn't want to go, haha.

So this Saturday I'll be going on a college fieldtrip with the SAT class. I really hope it wont be a bad day and I hope I get some movitation to start doing work and concentrate. I seriously don't know what to do. "Oh nine is not fine," as a friend said (got it from michelle's blog who wrote dana said that). Many people seem to have a lot of problems in oh'nine. Economy, school, students, etc. Horrible. All we could do is just hope something good will turn up. We can't just sit here and wait for something to happen, though. If you want something to happen, you have to contribute or do it yourself. People in school complain about everything (including me) but they don't do anything about it. They expect someone to do all the work. Shiz, they're gonna have a motherfrenchtoast hard time in life.

Oh, so some people are asking me what I'm selling those chips for. I'm gonna be honest and say it's for myself. I mean, if I had to fundraise for something, I'd do it but nothing has turned up. I've been using my christmas & CNY money for things like school stuff, chipping in for parties, "lending" people money without really being paid back afterward, and a lot more. I was planning to save up so I can buy something for myself wihtout having my parents pay for me but I can see that won't happen soon. So maybe after selling some of these stuff for a while, I won't struggle as much. Of course I'll still be helping people out... >_>;

Alright, so I have English hw, precalc hw, prelab for physics, 30-40 pages for APUSH and I haven't finished one. Gotta at least finish English since it's what I'm working on right now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's this sin, cos, tan, x, y in math? Math = numbers!

So I should be studying for physics quiz, APUS, do math homework, and finish up physics lab but again, I have no motivation to do work. How the hell am I supposed to factor out this identity cr4p? Math is like another language for me, 'cept I could probably learn a new language faster than I can learn math.

Sixth period... urban art, we're learning about graffiti, looking up images and "creating" our own. Really, it's just going to get those students pumped up to tag all over the school. And those freshmen just drive me nuts.

If I were in an office with my own big and organized desk with people working around me, that might motivate me (and get me in the mood) to do my work. My room is small, quiet, medium/messy table and I'm just sitting here blogging.

I've been trying to save up money to buy a SLR camera without having to ask my parents to buy it for me. But that wont happen any time this year since I've been using the money up for many things (that I dont use for myself... is that good?) Maybe next year when I get my first job, haha. Okay, I'm going to try to get back to homework.

*stares at math hw* WTFRENCHTOAST.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I've lost motivation to do anything school related. Whether it's sitting in class taking notes, doing classwork, or doing homework. Maybe if I typed and did all my notes and homework on my laptop it'd be better. I'm getting tired of writing. Maybe it's because I'm so unorganized this year. Too many papers going in my backpack, no time to organize. I have three worksheets sitting in front of me, one from each class I'm currently not doing so well in. Oh joy.

I want a nikon or a canon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Good afternoon.

Planned on sitting in front of the computer all day again. Very windy; although it'd be better if it was cloudy. One month and five days until my birthday. Wonder how it will go.... Aish, I'm almost broke from my Christmas and CNY money... which I haven't gotten the chance to use on myself. I wanted to save up to get a camera (those professional nikon or canon ones; and yes I know, I have two digicam but they're different). I dont think technology likes me. My ipod is broken because ANY earphone I use, you could only listen on one side of the earphone. My parents asked if I wanted a new one but I said no just to save money since it still works (even though it's only one side). Unlike others out there who buy every freakin generation ipod when it's not even freaking broken. My laptop on the other hand... the batteries died, it overheats, and its full of junk. I was asked if I wanted another one but hey... if it works, I can live with it, even though it might piss me off.

Actually, I haven't "blogged" for a while. I have a xanga that I don't use and the last entry in that xanga was about my horrible 14th birthday. Even though I have many birthdays that didn't go the way I wanted to, I shouldn't complain because I was surrounded by friends and families and some people don't get that, so I'm really thankful.

My goal before 2010 is to lose weight, this time I'm serious. I know I said that last year but I'm really going to do it before 2010... I hope. Spring break, I'm trying to get a few of us to go to SantaMonica to run toward Malibu. I shouldn't plan ahead because whenever I plan something out, it never goes the way I wanted. Someone ends up changing plan and then another one decides not to go and another person says something else. Why doesn't this happen to other people when they plan stuff out? Aish, I hate it. Whatever.

I want to buy so many things online... but thing is I'm not allowed to. CDs, clothes, dramas, tickets, etc. And the thing is, those are the ones you can't find here in California... or maybe in the US at all! Oh well, there's always the future -_-;

Anyway, 2009 is not a good year for many people. Like me, for example. Since the beginning of January 2009, I've been crying at least once a week... literally. Every week until now. If it's not school, it's family. If its not family, it's friends. If its not friends, it's a movie. If it's not a movie its something else. I dont know. Many people come to me for advice and I feel the advice I give them aren't so bad. I'm happy it motivates them but it doesnt seem to motivate myself. I need someone else to listen and understand and give me advice.

It's hard to find someone who REALLY understands what you're going through. Many people just ASSUME and say, "Oh it's okay. I know how you feel. They're wrong, just ignore them." I'm sorry to say... what kind of crap is that? I know you're trying to help and I know I should be happy but honestly, it just pisses me off. First of all, it's not okay. Second of all, how the hell would you know THEY're wrong? I'd rather hear bitter truths than lies that will make me feel better. I rarely go to anyone for advice or help. If you feel like I open up to you, sorry to say, I'm just ranting. Because theres only ONE person I open up to.

This isnt really a "blog." It's starting to be more of a ranting thing.

Another thing that bothers me. Nosy people. When I'm talking to someone or having a conversation and something just happens to make your ears stand up, and you happen to be listening and it doesn't involve you, JUST ACT LIKE YOU DIDNT HEAR IT. Stop asking, "What happened?" or "What are you guys talking about?" It seriously ticks me off. Can you just PLEASE mind your own business? I mean, I don't mind if its once in a while but having to ask every single time... aish~~!!

You know what? I'm just going to stop here.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday/ 03.21.09

So the day started out as usual: SAT class. I didnt get to study for vocabulary so before class started, I crammed through it. Today, Mr. Woojae subbed for us [english] and Mr. Eric subbed for math. The day was nice and cloudy. Afterward, Daddy picked us (JYand I) and headed to Glendale for Jenny's surprise lunch/dinner. Before we headed to Todai, JY and I decided to go buy a poster at Target to make a "BOA" sign before going to her concert after Todai. We rushed through the mall running back and fourth. After getting the posterboard, we were off to Todai. Got there, sat down, waited for the birthday girl, got food, drew our poster, and called up Ruben to pick us up. I have to say thank you so much to Ruben; he's gone through so much to pick us up. We walked around Glendale, crossed to Americana (dragged by JY into stores), and then went back to Glendale for Ruben to drive us to Universal City.

When we were about to get off the car, I asked if Ruben was coming along and he said he wasn't invited (by JY) and JY said she did invite him and he said no. So I asked him to come down and we'll wait for him. He said it was okay and left. That's what we thought he did; we thought he left but after the concert (around 7-8) we called him up and he said he was parking so we ran and ran to the car and it turned out after he dropped us off, he just looked for parking and took a nap there, waited for us to finish, and drive us home; I feel really bad :(

Ah, the concert

After being dropped off at Universal City, JY and I rushed to City Walk and there was a crowd. We stood there for ever (my legs were geting sore) and crowded between people. We waited and waited. As soon as she came out, everyone screamed and stuck their camera in the air. Sucks that the tall guys were in the front... so iwasn't tall enough. Kevin tapped my shoulder and was Eva too. He was holding an autographed poster so I thought he was one of the 125 people who got to shake her hand and get autographed. Turns out there's a stand and if you bought a CD, they hand you an autograph poster (that she signed probably a few hours before since she didnt sign it on the spot). I tiptoed and stuck my arm as high as I could with the camera (I couldnt even see the screen of the camera), hoping I'm getting her and not her backup dancers. She sung/performed "Eat You Up" and "I Did It For Love."

When she was finished, they announced for those with "green wristbands," she'll be waiting on stage so brought up people one by one. We stood there zooming our cameras as far as we can. Funny thing was, some people didnt know what that concert was or who BoA was. JY and I walked around with our (the only) bright yellow posters and people were staring at us, reading our posters going "Boa? Whos that?" And others were like, "What's going on? Is there a celebrity?"

While we were waiting for BoA to go on stage and sit to sign autograph, one of her back up dancers came out and everyone asked to take a picture with her (:D we got one). Another funny thing is people were videotaping and taking pictures of her and they probably thought she was
BoA (for those who dont know BoA or thought she was BoA since they looked alike).

At the end, after all those autograph signing, security gathered around her and ran into Game Stop (to make their way to the parking lot) and we all ran and followed to the back gate. Some crazy fangirl jumped between the fence and was headed toward BoA and BoA looked scared/surprised so the securities backed her up into the room and stood there, waiting for the fans to go away. We stood there for a while, I had my camera on record, and we just waited and waited but she didnt come out. After that, we called up Ruben and thats when we left.

And tomorrow, she's going to be at Forever21 in Pasadena. Since we have a friend that works there, I gave her my CD to let BoA sign "To Lily" XD

*keep in mind that I'm not so close; gotta love my super zoom camera <3