Friday, March 12, 2010


So on March 11, 2010, our econ class took a fieldtrip to the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown. We took the bus and since it was my first time on a public transportation, a lot of people were like "No way!" "Aw, you're growing up," "Ohmygosh, are you scared? There's hobos and it's very dirty" and other jokes. Our teacher sat in the back and then walked up to the front to talk to the bus driver. Then he came and stand next to my classmates and me. He looked down to talk to Helen, who was sitting in front of me and the lady sitting on the side kept looking at them, probably thinking "...why is that creep talking to a kid?" Haha. So when Lucy, friend sitting next to me, joked "Mister, Lily is scared and she's crying." I turned to her and said, "Shh, do we know him? Don't talk to strangers." Haha, but it was good. When we all got off the bus, we headed to FIDM, a fashion school before heading across the street to the FRB (since the tour hasn't started). We took pictures, walked around, did a "photshoot" and yeah. We headed to the FRB after and boy... I have to say... that's the most money I will ever see in my life. A football field size room with money inside. The room literally had scent of money. There were bags of moneys everywhere! After the tour we got a bag of shredded money and did a survey. After that, we walked to Macy's plaza to eat and I wandered around in circles about five times before getting my food. I didn't really know what to eat so I just got Cali rolls and an ice cream after that. Then we walked to MOCA (museum of contemporary arts) and if I wasn't interested in art, I would've been complaining the whole time. The rooms were sooo spacy with only an art work on the wall. It was quiet and some artwork were... weird. But hey, that's what makes it art. From a canvas of blue paint to a canvas with random lines. There were about ten to fifteen guards--one in each room. I would be bored if I were them. After MOCA, we walked to the bus stop. When the bus arrived, we all tried to fit but since there were other people there, only some of us could go in and the rest had to wait for the second bus. I was one of the people who had to wait for hte second bus. Well, it was a good day :)