Sunday, July 25, 2010

Renegade Fair

So the Renegade Fair took place at the cornfield. I knew about this from my cousin who was going to be there as a vendor. I wanted to find a way to help out, contribute, or advertise. Unfortunately, I didn't do much. On the first day, I waited for Jenn to park at my house and walk down together. I said hi to my cousin, walked around, got slushie, and Jenn wanted to go get her car at my house. I really didn't want to walk back up those death hill because I was going to go back to my cousin's booth anyway. But sigh... she didn't want to go alone so I walked up those two horrible hills with her. After that, she drove me back down. Around 7PM we started cleaning up and I needed a ride home. I was going to walk to the restaurant my parents were eating at but my cousin and her friend offered to drive me. By the time we got to my cousin's friend's car, my parents were done eating so he (cousin's friend) just dropped me off at home.

The next day, I thought I should help out... at least. So I get dropped off and I hang around the booth. I was very quiet because my cousin's three guys friend and her were joking and laughing and I don't know them very well. For those who actually know me... that doesn't even sound like me, huh? Haha. Two guys left so it was me, my cousin, and her friend. I was thirsty and wanted something cold. Her friend, Andy, kept singing Wedding Dress the whole time, which was funny. He kept saying how he wanted Honey Green Tea. In my mind, I really wanted Strawberry slush. Lollicup was really far but the drink made it worth the trip. So I bought two honey green tea for my cousin and her friend and got myself a strawberry slush. When I got back, I walked around to the book journal booth. It's so unique! They take old books and turn them into journals. I really wanted one. I didn't ask the guy how much it was yet. I was still looking around to see if there were some I like. The Dr. Seuss one was gone :( so I had to find something else. While I was looking, the guy was like "Hello friend," and I thought 'ugh.. what if he's going to ask me to fill out a survey or something like that.' It turns out he really needed to go to the restroom and asked if I can watch the booth for him, which I did. When he got back, he said if I found a book journal I like, I can just have it ^^ keke. And it turns out the journal is $13! I walked back to my cousin;s booth. When her friend left, it was just me and her, which meant I really have to help out. I'm not really good with customers and I work math very slow in my head. Luckily it was an hour or two before we pack up so there were only a few customers. If the prices were even, that makes it easier for me. Most people bought t-shirts which were $20 so I didn't need to work prices in my head. But if there was a price with a decimal.... LOL. Yong, Rey, Olga, and Roland stopped by and we chatted for a while. My cousin gave me a tote bag (of my favorite design from her) <33 for helping out, I guess? I really wish I did more :( but it really was a nice experience to work with the customers and also see how she does everything.