Saturday, June 12, 2010


(omg... I look so disgusting standing next to the girls. The one time I should've worn all black like I usually do -_-) I woke up this morning SORE. My whole body. Yesterday was the WG World Tour guest starring 2PM. At first, I was very upset because I bought the VIP ticket for $170 and was told that it consists of a meet and greet, a picture, an autograph, and a tour gift. All I got was one picture. They rushed us--one picture and we had to keep moving. I couldn't talk to them or ask them questions. BS. My friends who got the tickets for $7 got the concert, picture of one of the member when he was standing outside by himself, and autographs from the girls when they were walking toward their car. Anyway...

VIPs were told the meeting will take place around 5PM. After school, I went home to put my backpack away and grab my poster, ticket, glow sticks, and whatnot. Took a while to get to the House of Blues because of the traffic. Once I got out the car, a guy on a phone walked right passed me. I shut the door and stared at him thinking, "Pretty face. Make up. Familiar looking. Omg, is he from 2PM?" To be honest, I couldn't match the member's name and faces. I knew the members name. I knew their faces. I didn't know who was who except Taec and Nick. Anyway, so I just stood there and continued to watch him walking. My parents rolled down the window and asked, "Why are you still standing there? Aren't you going to get in line?" I pulled out my camera, pen, and notepad and pointed the the guy. "I think he's from the group!" I said. "Just go. I'll get in line later," I told my parents. When they drove off, I walked to House of Blues. I wasn't sure if it was the back entrance or the front entrance--I'm going to say it's the back because we all entered by the parking lot, which was down the hill. I stood by the back entrance because that's where the "guy" walked into. I saw two girls about to cross the street with me, I so I asked, "Isn't he a member?" and they said "Yes,__" and his name, which I didn't quite get. So for a while, I was the only one standing there taking a picture of him. He was standing on the porch talking on the phone. The fans were down the hill waiting in line and they didn't know he was standing on the porch. It was just me and Junsu a few . Then Myrna and Cathy arrived. Myrna was holding a bag of Sour Patch because she knew it was Junsu's favorite. I pointed to his direction because they didn't notice he was standing there. When they saw, they fangirled--but quietly. I told Myrna to take out the bag of candy and wave it for him to come get it. When I was holding the candy, I waved it back and forth and he saw. He knew he wanted to come get it. He smiled at us teasing him. I guess it was kind of pay back because he then walked over to us and I pulled the top of my pen out to get ready in case he came over to get the candy. Instead, he stopped about five feet away from us to continue talking on his phone. TEASE! He could've stood on the porch and talked on the phone but no, he crossed that mini bridge toward us and stopped a few feet away. "You're such a tease!" I said to him. He smiled to himself then walked back. I guess he was calling Oneway's Chance because Chance then arrived in a hummer in front of us. To be honest, I didn't even know who Chance was. I just kept staring at him sitting in the hummer waiting for Junsu. When Junsu came out, he was trying to unlock the gate of the entrance so I tried to help--and failed. When his manager or some staff got it unlocked, he walked passed us and Myrna handed him the candy. I wanted to ask him to sign but he was holding a soda can in each hand and I thought he wouldn't be able to. I wanted to hurt myself because I wasn't brave enough to ask him to sign that whole 20 minute I was with him--without any screaming group of fans. Instead, I stood there like an idiot. But like Maggie said, I was being considerate because he was on the phone.

After he left, I walked to the line with a new friend, Da Eun. She was also with Myrna, Cathy, and I when we were standing there waiting for Junsu to come get the candy. We stood in line with Antoinette, another friend I met a few months ago at a concert. We stood in line from four to six-ish. We got hungry so Toni (antoinette) went to buy some fries. We continued to wait and wait and talk to the girls in front of us--who became our new friends. I'm sorry, but I forgot their names. I remember one was Winnie because we exchanged emails. So I told Da Eun, Toni, and the three girls when we get to the meet and greet, pretend we don't know each other because if they find out we are in a group, they will only take one picture per group. So after I took the picture with the girls, I walked over to the guys. They were wild and loud; shouting and laughing. I had two cameras (just in case I ran out of batteries, which I did.) I wanted to use one to record and one to take pictures. But i was afraid of holding the other camera for recording because of the security, so I stuffed it in my bag. I regret it because the other girls did. I should've just kept it on and recoridng while it was in my bag so it would've caught the short conversation I had. Well, it was hardly a convo at all. When it was my turn for the picture, the guys greeted me with a "Hey!!!!" Then Taecyeon asked me, "Hey, how are you?" and I replied, "I'm good!" while handing the camera to the lady. Junsu, who I hoped would remember me from earlier--standing there waving the candy, said, "You good?" and I nodded and he raised his hand for a high five. After the picture, we went back outside to the VIP line to wait for the other people to finish with their meet and greet. While in line, some girls squealed and shouted "Taecyeon!!" Everyone looked up at the second floor because apparnetly, he was on his phone there. I missed him by a second. It seemed like Taec was taking a selca (self cam) of him and the crowd down below; he uploaded the picture on twitter and I saw myself on the corner. Anyway, when the concert started, I went deaf. I was literally standing right next to the speaker--and you know at concerts, the speakers are on full blast? I had no idea the speaker was right there. I could feel my whole body going "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and I felt the vibration throughout the body. School Gyrlz came out to perform and the crowd was pretty quiet. Once 2PM came out, everyone screamed. I waved my poster and glowstick in the air like an idiot. Keke, Junsu saw my glow stick and poster (it was the only one with light up flashing star) and came over. Then Taec came over. Nick, Taec, and I forgot who, were dancing sexily close to each other--FANSERVICE ANYONE-- and they were just making the crowd go crazy. After that, it was the Wonder girls turn. My god, they're so thin. Sunye's voice is so angelic. Lim, the "new" girl that filled in for Sunmi (who left the group so she can go to school), was sweet. A lot of people hated her because she wasn't as pretty and they didnt like her replacing Sunmi but I hope after the concert, they start to like her. I kind of liked her since the beginning but after the concert, I liked her even more. They performed together and solo. I remember Yubin performing "Boom Boom Pow," Sohee performing "Single Ladies," Lim performing "Lipgloss," and Sunye performing "Paparazzi." I don't remember what YeEun performed. Well, I don't know the name. I love Lim's intro for her solo. She came out introducing and talking about Sunye, Sohee, Yubin, and YeEun. "-- is the go-getter. --is sweet and talented and smart--" etc. Then it was her turn. "Now let me ask you. What chu know about me?" The crowd was thinking, I guess. Then she repeated "What chu know about me?" with attitude. Then the crowd knew where she was going. That's when the music for "Lipgloss" came on.

When the concert ended I stood by the bar with Da Eun. Then I spotted Toni standing with Rosie in the back. We talked and then Jennifer (writer from allkpop) came up to Rosie but she didn't notice me so I said hi to her and we hugged. After that, Da Eun, Toni, and I went outside where we bumped into Myrna and Cathy. We planned on waiting to see WG and 2PM come out. I told my dad the concert was going to end around 10. Then I called him and told him I'm not exactly sure when it finishes so he should wait until I call him. Instead, he arrived around 10 and that's when I was hanging out with Toni, Da Eun, Myrna, and Cathy--waiting for WG/2PM. I reminded him, "Aw, you're here alraedy? I told you I was going to call you. But yeah, the concert just finished." and he asked, "Then what are you doing?" And I told him I was waiting with my friends for the celebs to come out and he said, "Okay then. I'll give you a few more minutes, I'll wait." Then hung up. We were hanging at the front entrance. I suggested we go to the back entrance where we saw Junsu hanging out earlier and they thought 2pm wasn't going to come out from there so we continued waiting. We decided to break--half of us to the front and half of us at the back. Me and Cathy waited while Myrna, Toni, and Da Eun went to the back where we first saw Junsu. -_-; I suggested we go there first but they went there and had me wait in the front. Myrna then called Cathy and Cathy was like, "Let's walk. Hurry." So i followed her and it turned out that Myrna at the time was taking a picture and getting autograph with Chance who drove off in his limo. "I told you so! They're gonna come out from here!" I said. So we waited and then the boys eventually come out. Their manager/staff had securities block us. I held out my pen and notebook but they kept their head down and walked very fast to the van. -_-; I sohuld've had BOTH my notebook AND camera out to record. FML. After that, I saw my dad waiting for me (he caught me being a fangirl LOL) then we walked about two blocks to the car. About 30 minutes after I left, the girls came out and Myrna got Sunye's and YeEun's autograph. RAWRRR.

Okay, this is probably the longest entry I've ever written.